Share the Dignity x adorne

Share the Dignity x adorne

Share the Dignity works to make a real, on-the-ground difference to the lives of women, girls and those who menstruate and are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, domestic violence, or poverty. They distribute period products to those in need and work to achieve menstrual equity here in Australia. When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period.

In support of Share the Dignity, the adorne team has created the Dignity Pouch to encourage meaningful and open conversations around period poverty. 

The purchase of every Dignity Pouch ensures a woman in need can access the basic necessities to get through her next four period cycles



Every single dollar we receive from the sale of our Dignity Pouch goes directly to Share the Dignity, in support of their mission to end period poverty. 

Rochelle Courtenay, CEO of Share the Dignity, is a passionate advocate for women's rights and has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about the challenges faced by vulnerable women across Australia.

Share the Dignity is dedicated to empowering and supporting women experiencing period poverty in situations like homelessness, poverty, and domestic violence. 

"No woman, girl or person who menstruates should be left behind or disadvantaged due to not having access to basic essentials. We hope to create a world where period poverty no longer exists in Australia and the shame and stigma surrounding periods is a thing of the past." 


“The Dignity pouch is amazing - so versatile and I love the pop of colour!!! I’m so excited for this partnership with Adorne; I have no doubt that these pouches will spark many great conversations and assist us in fighting period poverty and the shame and stigma surrounding periods.”

- Rochelle Courtenay, CEO, Share the Dignity.

This pouch is priced at $19.95, with every single dollar going straight to Share the Dignity to support their mission to end period poverty.

This pouch was created to encourage meaningful and open conversations around period poverty, which begins with your help in spreading the word.

Each Dignity Pouch purchased will help to support a woman in need to access the very basic of essentials and help her get through her next 4 periods. 


Together, we can start the conversation.

Discover the Dignity Pouch here


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